EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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Info -

binding occupational exposure limit value


limit value drawn up at a Community level and, in addition to the factors considered when establishing IOELVs, socio-economic and technical feasibility factors taken into account and intended to provide a level of minimum protection for all workers in the Community

Context: Info

In Slovenia, the binding occupational exposure limit value for 8 hours’ exposure to formaldehyde is 0.62 mg/m3, and this remained unchanged after 2016 when formaldehyde was classified as a category 1B carcinogen.

Term reference

Minimising formaldehyde exposure through substitution of resins, Case Study, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, [28.9.2018]


For any chemical agent for which a BOELV is established, Member States should establish a corresponding national binding occupational exposure limit value based on, but not exceeding the Community limit value.


  • Български: задължителна гранична стойност на професионална експозиция
  • Čeština: závazná limitní hodnota expozice na pracovišti
  • Dansk: bindende grænseværdi for erhvervsmæssig eksponering
  • Deutsch: verbindlicher Arbeitsplatzgrenzwert
  • Ελληνικά: δεσμευτική οριακή τιμή επαγγελματικής έκθεσης
  • English: binding occupational exposure limit value
  • Español: valor límite de exposición profesional vinculante
  • Eesti: siduv ohtlike ainete piirnorm töökeskkonnas
  • Suomi: sitova työperäisen altistumisen raja-arvo
  • Français: valeur limite contraignante d’exposition professionnelle
  • Hrvatski: obvezujuća granična vrijednost profesionalne izloženosti
  • Magyar: kötelező munkahelyi expozíciós határérték
  • Íslenska: bindandi viðmiðunarmörk fyrir váhrif í starfi
  • Italiano: valore limite di esposizione professionale obbligatorio
  • Lietuvių: privaloma profesinio poveikio ribinė vertė
  • Latviešu: saistoša iedarbības darbavietā limita vērtība
  • Malti: valuri limitu vinkolanti ta’ (espożizzjoni) esponiment fuq ix-xogħol
  • Nederlands: bindende grenswaarde voor beroepsmatige blootstelling
  • Norsk: " bindende grenseverdier for forurensninger i arbeidsatmosfæren"
  • Polski: wiążąca dopuszczalna wartość narażenia zawodowego
  • Português: valor-limite de exposição profissional vinculativo
  • Română: valoare-limită obligatorie de expunere profesională
  • Slovenčina: záväzná limitná hodnota ohrozenia pri práci
  • Slovenščina: zavezujoča mejna vrednost za poklicno izpostavljenost
  • Svenska: tvingande yrkeshygieniskt gränsvärde