EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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Info -

indicative occupational exposure limit value


health-based limit conventionally established only for substances for which it is possible to establish a threshold or a no effect level considered to be protective of health

Context: Info

For any chemical agent for which an indicative occupational exposure limit value is established at Community level, Member States must establish a national occupational exposure limit value, taking into account the Community limit value. Along the same lines, binding occupational exposure limit values and binding biological limit values may be drawn up at Community level taking into account feasibility factors. F

Term reference

Directive 98/24/EC - risks related to chemical agents at work, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work>Législation>Directives de l’UE>Exposure to chemical agents...>Directive 98/24/EC - risks related to chemical agents at work, [28.9.2018]


To establish OEL, a thorough assessment of the available scientific information is essential as a first step. This is undertaken by the European Commission’s Scientific Committee for Occupational Exposure Limits (SCOEL)


  • Български: индикативна гранична стойност на професионална експозиция
  • Čeština: směrná limitní hodnota expozice na pracovišti
  • Dansk: vejledende grænseværdi for erhvervsmæssig eksponering
  • Deutsch: Arbeitsplatz-Richtgrenzwert
  • Ελληνικά: ενδεικτική οριακή τιμή επαγγελματικής έκθεσης
  • English: indicative occupational exposure limit value
  • Español: valor límite de exposición profesional indicativo
  • Eesti: soovituslik ohtlike ainete piirnorm töökeskkonnas
  • Suomi: työperäisen altistumisen viiteraja-arvo
  • Français: valeur limite indicative d’exposition professionnelle
  • Hrvatski: indikativna granična vrijednost profesionalne izloženosti
  • Magyar: indikatív foglalkozási expozíciós határérték
  • Íslenska: leiðbeinandi viðmiðunarmörk fyrir váhrif í starfi
  • Italiano: valore limite indicativo di esposizione professionale
  • Lietuvių: orientacinė profesinio poveikio ribinė vertė
  • Latviešu: indikatīvie iedarbības rādītāji darba apstākļos
  • Malti: valur ta’ limitu indikattiv ta’ esponiment professjonali
  • Nederlands: indicatieve grenswaarde voor beroepsmatige blootstelling
  • Norsk: veiledende grenseverdier for forurensninger i arbeidsatmosfæren
  • Polski: wskaźnikowa dopuszczalna wartość narażenia zawodowego
  • Português: valor-limite de exposição profissional indicativo
  • Română: valoare-limită orientativă de expunere profesională
  • Slovenčina: smerná najvyššia prípustná hodnota vystavenia pri práci
  • Slovenščina: okvirna mejna vrednost za poklicno izpostavljenost
  • Svenska: indikativt yrkeshygieniskt gränsvärde