EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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human enhancement


any attempt to temporarily or permanently overcome the current limitations of the human body through natural or artificial means

Context: Info

These and other advances in robotics allow the development of human enhancement technologies, which not only address disability, but also improve the capabilities of healthy individuals. For example, exoskeletons or ‘wearable robots’ augment the capacity of workers to carry loads, but are also used as rehabilitation or assistive devices that enable access or return to work for people with disabilities.

Term reference

A review on the future of work: robotics, Discussion Paper, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, [28.9.2018]


  • Български: усъвършенстване на хора
  • Čeština: vylepšování lidského těla
  • Dansk: forbedring af menneskekroppen
  • Deutsch: Human Enhancement
  • Ελληνικά: ανθρώπινη ενδυνάμωση
  • English: human enhancement
  • Español: mejora de las capacidades humanas
  • Eesti: inimese täiustamine
  • Suomi: ihmisen ominaisuuksien parantelu
  • Français: amélioration humaine
  • Hrvatski: poboljšanje ljudskih osobina
  • Magyar: humánfejlesztés
  • Íslenska: mannbæting
  • Italiano: potenziamento umano
  • Lietuvių: žmogaus kūno galimybių stiprinimas
  • Latviešu: iejaukšanās cilvēka organismā
  • Malti: titjib tal-bniedem
  • Nederlands: verbetergeneeskunde
  • Norsk: menneskelig forbedring
  • Polski: udoskonalanie człowieka
  • Português: reforço das capacidades humanas
  • Română: îmbunătățirea organismului uman
  • Slovenčina: zdokonaľovanie človeka
  • Slovenščina: izboljšanje človeka
  • Svenska: mänsklig förbättring