EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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Info -

employee sharing


employment contract signed by one employee and two or more employers// an employment form in which a group of employers hires workers jointly and is jointly responsible for them

Context: Info

Strategic employee sharing was established out of an economic and social necessity to create a sustainable relationship between companies and workers, even if an individual employer could not provide sustainable work.

Term reference

Employee sharing '. Eurofound. EurWORK European Observatory of Working Life, [26.9.2018]


  • Български: съвместно наемане на служители
  • Čeština: sdílení zaměstnanců
  • Dansk: medarbejderdeling
  • Deutsch: Mitarbeiter-Sharing
  • Ελληνικά: επιμερισμός εργαζομένων
  • English: employee sharing
  • Español: compartición de trabajadores
  • Eesti: töötajate jagamine
  • Suomi: työvoiman jakaminen
  • Français: partage de travailleurs
  • Hrvatski: dijeljenje zaposlenika
  • Magyar: több munkáltató által létesített munkaviszony
  • Íslenska: samnýting starfsmanna
  • Italiano: condivisione dei dipendenti
  • Lietuvių: dalijimasis darbuotojais
  • Latviešu: darbinieku kopnodarbināšana
  • Malti: kondiviżjoni tal-impjegati
  • Nederlands: (strategisch) delen van werknemers
  • Norsk: deling av ansatte
  • Polski: wspólne zatrudnianie pracownika
  • Português: partilha de trabalhadores
  • Română: partajarea angajaților
  • Slovenčina: spoločné využívanie zamestnancov
  • Slovenščina: delitev zaposlenih
  • Svenska: personaldelning