EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.
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Avian influenza
Typically an influenza A virus found in animals but where infection can occur in humans
- Български: Птичи грип
- Čeština: ptačí chřipka
- Dansk: Fjerkræinfluenza
- Deutsch: Vogelgrippe
- Ελληνικά: Γρίπη των πτηνών
- English: Avian influenza
- Español: Gripe aviar
- Eesti: Linnugripp
- Suomi: Lintuinfluenssa
- Français: Grippe aviaire
- Hrvatski: Ptičja gripa
- Magyar: Madárinfluenza
- Íslenska: Fuglaflensa
- Italiano: Influenza aviaria
- Lietuvių: Paukščių gripas
- Latviešu: Putnu gripa
- Malti: Influwenza avjarja
- Nederlands: Vogelpest
- Norsk: Fugleinfluensa
- Polski: grypa ptaków
- Português: Gripe das aves
- Română: gripă aviară
- Slovenčina: vtá?ia chrípka
- Slovenščina: Aviarna influenca
- Svenska: Luftburen influensa