EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.
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EU-OSHA thesaurus
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- Български: Шум
- Čeština: Hluk
- Dansk: Støj
- Deutsch: Lärm
- Ελληνικά: θόρυβος
- English: Noise
- Español: Ruido
- Eesti: Müra
- Suomi: Melu
- Français: Bruit
- Hrvatski: Buka
- Magyar: Zaj
- Íslenska: Hávaði
- Italiano: Rumore
- Lietuvių: Triukšmas
- Latviešu: Troksnis
- Malti: Storbju
- Nederlands: Geluid(shinder), lawaai
- Norsk: Støy
- Polski: Hałas
- Português: Ruído
- Română: Zgomot
- Slovenčina: Hluk
- Slovenščina: Hrup
- Svenska: Buller; brus; ljud