EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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Info -

parental leave


employee benefit that provides paid or unpaid time off work to care for a child or make arrangements for the child's welfare

Context: Info

The Agency implements rules on parental leave and family leave and on leave, maternity leave and part-time. The Agency´s rules on working time, of 2 June 2016, encourage work-life balance and to this end Management discusses with staff all possible measures to reconcile private and professional commitments.

Term reference

Programming Document 2018-2020, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, [28.9.2018]


  • Български: родителски отпуск
  • Čeština: rodičovská dovolená
  • Dansk: forældreorlov
  • Deutsch: Elternzeit
  • Ελληνικά: γονική άδεια
  • English: parental leave
  • Español: permiso parental
  • Eesti: lapsehoolduspuhkus
  • Suomi: vanhempainvapaa
  • Français: congé parental
  • Hrvatski: parental leave
  • Magyar: szülői szabadság
  • Íslenska: fæðingarorlof
  • Italiano: congedo parentale
  • Lietuvių: vaiko priežiūros atostogos
  • Latviešu: vecāku atvaļinājums
  • Malti: liv tal-ġenituri
  • Nederlands: ouderschapsverlof
  • Norsk: foreldrepermisjon
  • Polski: urlop rodzicielski
  • Português: licença parental
  • Română: concediu pentru creșterea copilului
  • Slovenčina: rodičovská dovolenka
  • Slovenščina: starševski dopust
  • Svenska: föräldraledighet