EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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economic incentives for OSH performance


incentives to motivate enterprises to apply good practice in their prevention work

Context: Info

Research has shown that external economic incentives can motivate further investments in prevention in all organisations and thus lead to lower accident rates. The primary target audience are organisations that can provide economic incentives to improve OSH, such as insurance companies, social partners or governmental institutions.

Term reference

EU-OSHA Seminar reports "Economic Incentives to improve OSH", 04 and 05/02/2009, [09/2018]


  • Български: Икономически стимули за ефективност на БЗР
  • Čeština: Ekonomické pobídky k provádění BOZP
  • Dansk: Økonomiske incitamenter til indsats for arbejdsmiljøet
  • Deutsch: Wirtschaftliche Anreize für Leistungen im Bereich Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit
  • Ελληνικά: οικονομικά κίνητρα για επιδόσεις στον τομέα της ΕΑΥ
  • English: economic incentives for OSH performance
  • Español: zona económica exclusiva
  • Eesti: tööohutuse ja töötervishoiu tulemuslikkuse majanduslikud stiimulid
  • Suomi: Työsuojelutuloksia koskevat taloudelliset kannustimet
  • Français: Incitations économiques favorisant la performance en matière de SST
  • Hrvatski: gospodarski poticaji za rezultate u području sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu
  • Magyar: Gazdasági ösztönzők a munkahelyi biztonság és egészségvédelem terén
  • Íslenska: Efnahagshvatar fyrir árangur í vinnuvernd
  • Italiano: Incentivi economici per le prestazioni in materia di SSL
  • Lietuvių: Ekonominės DSS veiklos paskatos
  • Latviešu: ekonomiskie stimuli darba aizsardzības rezultātu uzlabošanai
  • Malti: Inċentivi ekonomiċi għall-prestazzjoni tal-OSH
  • Nederlands: Economische stimuleringsmaatregelen op het gebied van VGW
  • Norsk: Økonomiske insentiver for systematisk HMS-arbeid
  • Polski: Zachęty ekonomiczne w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy
  • Português: Incentivos económicos para melhorar o desempenho em matéria de SST
  • Română: Stimulente economice pentru performanța securității și sănătății în muncă
  • Slovenčina: Hospodárske stimuly pre výkon BOZP
  • Slovenščina: Gospodarske spodbude za izvajanje varnosti in zdravja pri delu
  • Svenska: Ekonomiska incitament för arbetsmiljö