This case study presents the successful return to work of a project manager after a year of absence due to piriformis syndrome, which causes pain brought on by prolonged sitting, among other things. Contact and support from her manager and colleagues throughout the worker’s absence made her feel valued, and she made the key decisions about her return-to-work plan.
Workplace stretching and other accommodations to enable return to work after a back problem — public administration
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Workplace stretching and other accommodations to enable return to work after a back problem — public administration
Workplace stretching and other accommodations to enable return to work after a back problem — public administration
This case study presents the successful return to work of a project manager after a year of absence due to piriformis syndrome, which causes pain brought on by prolonged sitting, among other things. Contact and support from her manager and colleagues throughout the worker’s absence made her feel valued, and she made the key decisions about her return-to-work plan.
Access tool
Language of original language description
Other data
Static postures - sitting
Static postures - standing
Using Display Screen Equipment
Working with an existing MSD condition/disease
Health effects
Back pain or injury
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Sufferer of an MSK disorder or disease
Prevention measures
Elimination of hazards
Simple tips and measures
Technical measures e.g. ergonomic equipment
Reducing/minimising the risk by organisational measures, e.g. reducing the number of workers exposed, job rotation
Adjustments following injury/sickness absence
Adjustments/support for chronic MSD disorder/disease/pain suffers
Rehabilitation, physiotherapy etc.
Purpose of the material
General information
Awareness raising
Risk assessment
Target audience
All (no specific target audience)