Le site BRIDOR de Servon-sur-Vilaine date de 1995. Si de très nombreux aménagements ont eu lieu, l’amélioration des conditions de travail, et notamment la prévention des TMS, sur certains postes pourrait passer par l’utilisation d’exosquelettes. Des essais sont en cours, avec les salariés, et avec l’aide d’un ergonome et d’un intégrateur.
Test, make mistakes... and succeed
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Test, make mistakes... and succeed
Tester, se tromper… et réussir
The BRIDOR site in Servon-sur-Vilaine dates from 1995. Although many changes have been made, the site is still in a state of flux, the improvement of working conditions, and in particular the prevention of MSDS.
The use of exoskeletons could be used to improve working conditions, and in particular to prevent MSDs in certain workstations. Trials are underway with employees and with the help of an ergonomist and an integrator.
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Language of original language description
Other data
Fast-paced work
Forceful movements
Manual handling of loads
Health effects
MSDs unspecified
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
All (no specific group)
Prevention measures
Worker participation
Technical measures e.g. ergonomic equipment
Reducing/minimising the risk by organisational measures, e.g. reducing the number of workers exposed, job rotation
Purpose of the material
Awareness raising
Target audience
All (no specific target audience)