Beim Arbeiten ständig auf den Beinen zu sein ist anstrengend. Studien belegen, dass vor allem statisches Stehen zu Beschwerden und Erkrankungen Muskel-Skelett-System führen kann. Diese Broschüre gibt Tipps, wie Sie die körperliche Belastung im Beruf reduzieren und Beschwerden vorbeugen können.
Standing at work all day
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Standing at work all day
Im Beruf auf den Beinen
The body is not designed for static postures working in a standing position on a regular basis can cause swelling of the legs, low back pain, stiffness in the neck and shoulders, and other health problems. This brochure provides tips on how you can reduce physical strain at work and prevent musculoskeletal diseases.
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Sector / Indrustry covered
Not sector specific
Static postures - standing
Working with an existing MSD condition/disease
Health effects
MSDs unspecified
Worsening of existing (chronic) condition
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
All (no specific group)
Sufferer of an MSK disorder or disease
Prevention measures
Technical measures e.g. ergonomic equipment
Training/guidance (for workers)
Purpose of the material
Target audience