This discussion paper investigates the effect of psychosocial risks on returning to work with an MSD. It concludes that the important factors for a successful return to work include holistic risk assessment of physical and psychosocial risks, a planned return-to-work programme, involving the worker in the process, and a positive and supportive working environment.
Return to work after MSD-related sick leave in the context of psychosocial risks at work
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Return to work after MSD-related sick leave in the context of psychosocial risks at work
Return to work after MSD-related sick leave in the context of psychosocial risks at work
This discussion paper investigates the effect of psychosocial risks on returning to work with an MSD. It concludes that the important factors for a successful return to work include holistic risk assessment of physical and psychosocial risks, a planned return-to-work programme, involving the worker in the process, and a positive and supportive working environment.
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Language of original language description
Other data
Sector / Indrustry covered
Not sector specific
Psychosocial/stress hazards
Health effects
Back pain or injury
Upper limb disorders
Neck and shoulder disorders
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
All (no specific group)
Sufferer of an MSK disorder or disease
Prevention measures
Adjustments following injury/sickness absence
Adjustments/support for chronic MSD disorder/disease/pain suffers
Purpose of the material
General information
Awareness raising
Target audience
Worker representatives
Occupational health physician