Principle 5: Making the most of resources
Principe 5: Mise à profit des ressources
The integrated materials handling prevention strategy combines training and intervention and is based on the understanding, observation and analysis of five principles of action. These principles are common to all handling techniques used by workers.
Principle 5 explains the worker's ability to use his or her body, the load, the support surfaces and the speed of execution to reduce the load.
La stratégie intégrée de prévention en manutention combine formation et intervention et repose sur la compréhension, l’observation et l’analyse de cinq principes d’action. Ces principes sont les points communs de l’ensemble des techniques de manutention qu’utilisent les travailleurs.
Le principe 5 explique les possibilités qu’a le travailleur d’utiliser à son avantage son corps, la charge, les surfaces d’appui et la vitesse d’exécution pour diminuer la mise sous charge.
Other data
Health effects
Back pain or injury
MSDs unspecified
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Prevention measures
Improving individual working techniques (e.g manual handling postures)
Simple tips and measures
Target audience
All (no specific target audience)