Pas facile pour une TPE d’accepter d’être dans le programme TMS Pros alors qu’elle pense déjà au bien-être de ses salariés. Mais les dirigeants d’Astic, une société auvergnate de nettoyage, ont su se laisser convaincre par la Carsat Auvergne.Avant même d’atteindre l’étape 3, Astic a proposé des solutions à ses salariés, comme des manches téléscopiques au bout desquels peuvent être fixées des lingettes.
After the doubt, the certainties
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After the doubt, the certainties
Après le doute, les certitudes
It is not easy for a very small company to agree to be part of the TMS Pros programme when it is already thinking about the well-being of its employees. But the managers of Astic, a cleaning company in Auvergne, were convinced by Carsat Auvergne and, even before reaching stage 3, Astic proposed solutions to its employees, such as telescopic handles to which wipes can be attached.
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Language of original language description
Other data
Awkward postures
Forceful movements
Health effects
MSDs unspecified
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Prevention measures
Improving individual working techniques (e.g manual handling postures)
Simple tips and measures
Worker participation
Technical measures e.g. ergonomic equipment
Purpose of the material
Awareness raising
Target audience
All (no specific target audience)