Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2018-19

The Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2018-19, Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances, aims to raise awareness of dangerous substances in the workplace and disseminate information about how exposure can be prevented. The campaign is coordinated at national level by EU‑OSHA’s focal points and supported by official campaign and media partners and the Enterprise Europe Network. It has five main objectives:

  • To raise awareness of the relevance and importance of managing dangerous substances in Europe’s workplaces.
  • To promote risk assessment, elimination and substitution by providing practical tools and examples of good practice.
  • To raise awareness of the risks of exposure to carcinogens by supporting the exchange of good practices.
  • To target specific groups of workers who are at greater risk, by providing tailored facts and figures and guidance on good practice.
  • To increase awareness of developments in policy and legislation, by providing a plain language overview of the existing legislation and guidance.

Following the launch on 24 April 2018, campaign highlights include the European Weeks for Safety and Health at Work (October 2018 and 2019) and the Good Practice Exchange Event (early in 2019). The campaign concludes with theGood Practice Awards Ceremony and Healthy Workplaces Summit (both in November 2019). Hosted by EU-OSHA in Bilbao, these events offer a chance for those who have taken part to celebrate the campaign’s successes and reflect on what has been learned.