EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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risk-taking behaviour


how individuals may react when faced with risk situations

Context: Info

Some scholars have also applied cross-cultural frameworks to explain possible differences in workers' perceptions and risk-taking behaviour and organisations' performance with regard to occupational safety. Culturally rooted differences have, in some cases and to some extent, been able to explain variations in safety behaviour and performance across work teams, within and/or between (multinational) organisations.

Term reference

Starren, A., Luijters, K., Drupsteen, L., Vilkevicius, G., Eeckelaert, L., Diverse cultures at work: ensuring safety and health through leadership and participation, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2013, p. 6, [9.10.2018]


  • Български: склонност към поемане на риск
  • Čeština: rizikové chování
  • Dansk: risikoadfærd
  • Deutsch: Risikoverhalten
  • Ελληνικά: ριψοκίνδυνη συμπεριφορά
  • English: risk-taking behaviour
  • Español: conducta ante el riesgo
  • Eesti: riskikäitumine
  • Suomi: riskikäyttäytyminen
  • Français: comportement risqué
  • Hrvatski: ponašanje pri preuzimanju rizika
  • Magyar: kockázatvállaló magatartás
  • Íslenska: áhættuhegðun
  • Italiano: assunzione di rischi
  • Lietuvių: rizikingas elgesys
  • Latviešu: riska uzņemšanās
  • Malti: imġiba tat-teħid ta' riskji
  • Nederlands: risiconemend gedrag
  • Norsk: risikoatferd
  • Polski: podejmowanie ryzyka
  • Português: comportamento de assunção de riscos
  • Română: comportament riscant
  • Slovenčina: rizikové správanie
  • Slovenščina: tvegano ravnanje
  • Svenska: riskbeteende