EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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intercultural effectiveness


ability to interact and collaborate with people from diverse cultural backgrounds to enhance beneficial outcomes, minimise the risk of failure and enhance both the individual’s and the organisation’s chances of success in an international environment

Context: Info

Examples of traits that are associated with effective coping with intercultural situations are cultural empathy, open-mindedness, social initiative, emotional stability and flexibility. Such traits are expected to enhance intercultural communication among team members. Both team leaders and team members may benefit from these intercultural effectiveness competences. Both

Term reference

Starren, A., Luijters, K., Drupsteen, L., Vilkevicius, G., Eeckelaert, L., Diverse cultures at work: ensuring safety and health through leadership and participation, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2013, p. 5, [9.10.2018] // Abbrev: Han, P., C., ‘Developing Global Leaders: Utilizing the Intercultural Effectiveness Competencies Model’, Idea Group Inc. Global, 2012, pp. 149-162, [9.10.2018]


  • Български: междукултурна ефективност
  • Čeština: mezikulturní účinnost
  • Dansk: interkulturel effektivitet
  • Deutsch: interkulturelle Effektivität
  • Ελληνικά: διαπολιτισμική αποτελεσματικότητα
  • English: intercultural effectiveness
  • Español: eficacia intercultural
  • Eesti: kultuuridevaheline paindlikkus
  • Suomi: kulttuurienvälinen tehokkuus
  • Français: efficacité interculturelle
  • Hrvatski: međukulturna učinkovitost
  • Magyar: interkulturális hatékonyság
  • Íslenska: alþjóðageta
  • Italiano: efficacia interculturale
  • Lietuvių: tarpkultūrinės veiklos veiksmingumas
  • Latviešu: starpkultūru efektivitāte
  • Malti: effettività interkulturali
  • Nederlands: interculturele effectiviteit
  • Norsk: interkulturell effektivitet
  • Polski: skuteczność międzykulturowa
  • Português: competências interculturais
  • Română: eficiență interculturală
  • Slovenčina: interkultúrny potenciál
  • Slovenščina: medkulturna učinkovitost
  • Svenska: interkulturell effektivitet