EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.
EU-OSHA thesaurus
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popcorn workers' lung
inflammatory condition that affects the lung's tiniest airways
Strategies for preventing disease … For new diseases and hazards e.g. “popcorn workers’ lung” -> be vigilant – through surveillance and reporting But both of the above measure or identify disease after it happens
Occupational Diseases in the EU The system(s) and their role. 'TOGETHER FOR DISEASE-FREE WORKERS' (Brussels, 4th December 2013) Professor Raymond Agius Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health Centre for Epidemiology The University of Manchester
- Български: пуканков бял дроб
- Čeština: popcornová plíce
- Dansk: popcorn-lunge
- Deutsch: Popcorn Workers Lung
- Ελληνικά: πνεύμονας ποπκόρν
- English: popcorn workers' lung
- Español: bronquiolitis obliterante
- Eesti: popkorni kopsud
- Suomi: popcornkeuhko
- Français: poumon des travailleurs du pop-corn
- Hrvatski: radnica koja je nedavno rodila
- Magyar: popcorn-tüdő
- Íslenska: berkjulungnabólga
- Italiano: polmone dei lavoratori di popcorn
- Lietuvių: obliteruojantis bronchiolitas
- Latviešu: popkorna rūpnīcas strādnieku plaušu slimība
- Malti: ħaddiema post partum
- Nederlands: popcornlong
- Norsk: popkornlunge hos arbeidere
- Polski: zarostowe zapalenie oskrzelików
- Português: bronquiolite obliterante
- Română: bronșiolită obliterantă
- Slovenčina: popkornové pľúca
- Slovenščina: pljuča pokovke pri delavcih
- Svenska: popcornlunga