EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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popcorn workers' lung


inflammatory condition that affects the lung's tiniest airways

Context: Info

Strategies for preventing disease … For new diseases and hazards e.g. “popcorn workers’ lung” -> be vigilant – through surveillance and reporting But both of the above measure or identify disease after it happens

Term reference

Occupational Diseases in the EU The system(s) and their role. 'TOGETHER FOR DISEASE-FREE WORKERS' (Brussels, 4th December 2013) Professor Raymond Agius Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health Centre for Epidemiology The University of Manchester


  • Български: пуканков бял дроб
  • Čeština: popcornová plíce
  • Dansk: popcorn-lunge
  • Deutsch: Popcorn Workers Lung
  • Ελληνικά: πνεύμονας ποπκόρν
  • English: popcorn workers' lung
  • Español: bronquiolitis obliterante
  • Eesti: popkorni kopsud
  • Suomi: popcornkeuhko
  • Français: poumon des travailleurs du pop-corn
  • Hrvatski: radnica koja je nedavno rodila
  • Magyar: popcorn-tüdő
  • Íslenska: berkjulungnabólga
  • Italiano: polmone dei lavoratori di popcorn
  • Lietuvių: obliteruojantis bronchiolitas
  • Latviešu: popkorna rūpnīcas strādnieku plaušu slimība
  • Malti: ħaddiema post partum
  • Nederlands: popcornlong
  • Norsk: popkornlunge hos arbeidere
  • Polski: zarostowe zapalenie oskrzelików
  • Português: bronquiolite obliterante
  • Română: bronșiolită obliterantă
  • Slovenčina: popkornové pľúca
  • Slovenščina: pljuča pokovke pri delavcih
  • Svenska: popcornlunga