EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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third party violence


threats of or actual violence perpetrated upon an employee by a client, customer, patient, pupil or another service user

Context: Info

Third-party violence is committed by non-colleague contacts (customers, pupils, patients, etc.)

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  • Български: насилие, причинено от трета страна
  • Čeština: násilí ze strany třetích osob
  • Dansk: vold forøvet af en tredjepart
  • Deutsch: Gewalt durch Dritte
  • Ελληνικά: βία από τρίτους
  • English: third party violence
  • Español: violencia de terceros
  • Eesti: kolmanda osapoole vägivald
  • Suomi: kolmannen osapuolen väkivalta
  • Français: violence émanant de tiers
  • Hrvatski: nasilje treće osobe
  • Magyar: harmadik fél általi erőszak
  • Íslenska: ofbeldi þriðja aðila
  • Italiano: violenza da parte di terzi
  • Lietuvių: trečiųjų šalių smurtas
  • Latviešu: trešo personu vardarbība
  • Malti: vjolenza ta’ partijiet terzi
  • Nederlands: geweld van derden
  • Norsk: vold fra tredjepart
  • Polski: przemoc ze strony osoby trzeciej
  • Português: violência de terceiros
  • Română: violență din partea terților
  • Slovenčina: násilie zo strany tretej osoby
  • Slovenščina: nasilje tretjih oseb
  • Svenska: våld från tredje part