EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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EU-OSHA thesaurus

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hormone disruptor


chemical that can interfere with endocrine or hormone systems at certain doses and cause cancerous tumors, birth defects or other developmental disorders

Context: Info

So far, it has been demonstrated in animal studies that endocrine disruptors have clear adverse effects. There are, however, only few human studies, for example on the connection between congenital cryptorchidism (absence of one or both testes from the scrotum at birth) and levels of certain organochlorine pesticides in breast milk (Damgaard et al., 2006).

Term reference

"European Agency for Safety and Health at Work — EU-OSHA, State of the art report on reproductive toxicants,"


  • Български: нарушител на хормоналните функции
  • Čeština: endokrinní distuptor
  • Dansk: hormonforstyrrende stof
  • Deutsch: endokriner Disrupter
  • Ελληνικά: ορμονικός διαταράκτης
  • English: hormone disruptor
  • Español: alterador endocrino
  • Eesti: endokriinfunktsiooni kahjustav kemikaal
  • Suomi: hormonitoimintaa häiritsevä aine
  • Français: perturbateur endocrinien
  • Hrvatski: hormonski disruptor
  • Magyar: endokrin diszruptor
  • Íslenska: hormónatruflari
  • Italiano: interferente endocrino
  • Lietuvių: endokrininę sistemą ardanti medžiaga
  • Latviešu: hormonus ietekmējoša viela
  • Malti: interferent ormonali
  • Nederlands: hormoonverstorende stof
  • Norsk: hormonforstyrrende stoffer
  • Polski: substancja zaburzająca funkcjonowanie układu hormonalnego
  • Português: desregulador hormonal
  • Română: perturbator endocrin
  • Slovenčina: endokrinný disruptor
  • Slovenščina: hormonski motilec
  • Svenska: hormonstörande ämne