EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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EU framework Directive


Directive introducing measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work that applies to all sectors of activity, both public and private, except for specific public service activities, such as the armed forces, the police or certain civil protection services

Context: Info

The European Framework Directive on Safety and Health at Work (Directive 89/391 EEC) adopted in 1989 was a substantial milestone in improving safety and health at work. It guarantees minimum safety and health requirements throughout Europe while Member States are allowed to maintain or establish more stringent measures.

Term reference

The OSH Framework Directive, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work>Legislation>EU directives>The OSH Framework Directive, [28.9.2018]


  • Български: Рамкова директива на ЕС
  • Čeština: rámcová směrnice EU o bezpečnosti a ochraně zdraví při práci
  • Dansk: europæisk rammedirektiv
  • Deutsch: europäische Rahmenrichtlinie
  • Ελληνικά: οδηγία-πλαίσιο της ΕΕ
  • English: EU framework Directive
  • Español: EU framework Directive
  • Eesti: Euroopa raamdirektiiv tööohutuse ja töötervishoiu kohta
  • Suomi: EU:n työsuojelun puitedirektiivi
  • Français: directive-cadre européenne relative à la sécurité et à la santé au travail
  • Hrvatski: okvirna direktiva EU-a
  • Magyar: európai uniós keretirányelv
  • Íslenska: Rammatilskipun ESB
  • Italiano: direttiva quadro dell'UE
  • Lietuvių: ES darbuotojų saugos ir sveikatos pagrindų direktyva
  • Latviešu: ES pamatdirektīva
  • Malti: Direttiva qafas tal-UE dwar is-Saħħa u s-Sigurtà fuq il-Post tax-Xogħol
  • Nederlands: EU-kaderrichtlijn betreffende de veiligheid en de gezondheid op het werk
  • Norsk: Det europeiske rammedirektivet
  • Polski: Europejska dyrektywa ramowa dotycząca bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia w miejscu pracy
  • Português: diretiva-quadro da UE
  • Română: directivă-cadru UE
  • Slovenčina: rámcová smernica EÚ o bezpečnosti a ochrane zdravia pri práci
  • Slovenščina: evropska okvirna direktiva o varnosti in zdravju pri delu
  • Svenska: EU:s ramdirektiv om arbetstagarnas säkerhet och hälsa i arbetet