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Professionalism, partnerships, and performance in delivering effective labour inspection


At the 14th Congress of the International Association of Labour Inspectors (IALI) in Geneva, EU-OSHA’s director gave a keynote speech on the challenges and opportunities facing labour inspection. The congress considered the challenges and opportunities for labour inspection, the need for professionalism and integrity, and the value of partnerships.

One key issue is the increasingly diverse workforce and its impact on occupational safety and health - especially that of women workers. Women are more likely to work in part-time roles and in retail and service industries, education and healthcare. These working environments result in specific OSH challenges.  Research reveals that current OSH can be better targeted and improved overall for women.

Founded in 1972 and having more than 100 members, IALI promotes the professionalism of its members on all aspects of labour inspection, so as to enhance their impact and effectiveness, holds international and regional conferences and similar events at which members can exchange ideas and experience about how best to promote compliance with labour law and good practice, provides  information to its members about professional issues through the Association's website, newsletters, reports and other publications, and promotes closer collaboration between its members, through regional networking and activities.

During the congress, the assembly discussed three key documents produced by IALI: A global code of integrity for labour inspection, international common principles, for labour inspection, and measuring performance of the occupational safety and health function

High profile speakers on the Agenda included Mr Tan Chuan Jin, Minister for Manpower, Singapore, Mr Wang Shuhe Chief engineer, Vice-Minister Level, State Administration of Work Safety, China, Mr Guy Ryder, Director-General of the ILO, Ms Sharan Burrow, (ITUC), Mr Brent Wilton (IOE), Michele Patterson (outgoing IALI President), and Mr Kevin Myers (IALI Secretary-General).