Carbon nanotubes – Exposure, toxicology and protective measures in the work environment

Type of item
MS information
Year of publication




The report summarises current knowledge (publication date 2011) on carbon nanotubes (CNT). It compiles information what types of CNTs are exist, what properties they have and which health effects they may cause. Exposure via inhalation, ingestion and the skin are considered and different exposure situations during production, processing and handling of products containing carbon nanotubes are addressed. Finally, the report compiles advice and guidelines on safety and protection devices and personal protective equipment when working with CNTs is presented.The report also contains a summary of the (then) available toxicological on CNTs.
The purpose of the overview is to provide Arbetsmiljöverket with information and support for different types of measures. The overview may also provide support if special hygienic limit values within the area or other regulations are being considered.

Other data

Provider name (English)
The Swedish Work Environment Authority
Provider name (Original)
Type of provider
Tasks covered
Not applicable
Biological hazard
Not applicable
Hazard - physical state
Nanoparticles (airborne liquids/solids including smoke or mist)
Hazard - health effects
Not applicable
Exposure route
Not applicable
Substance Description

single-walled carbon nanotube - SWCNT, multi-walled carbon nanotube - MWCNT

CAS Number
EC number
Prevention measures
Level 1. Elimination of hazards
Level 1. Substitution
Level 2. Technical measures, e.g. local exhaust ventilation
Level 2. Reducing / minimising the risk by organisational measures, e.g. reducing the number of workers exposed
Level 3. Reducing / minimising the risk by personal measures (PPE)
Training / guidance
Hygiene measures
Purpose of the material
Awareness raising
Target group
OSH consultant
Policy makers
Safety officers