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ICOH 2024 – 34th International Congress on Occupational Health

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Palais des Congrès
ICOH - International Commission on Occupational Health


EU-OSHA will participate in ICOH 2024 - 34th international congress on occupational health with an information stand. About 1500 delegates will participate. Participants in the congress will be ICOH members, e.g. FIOH, KOSHA, Inail, NIOSH, occupational medicine professional associations and individuals, such as occupational physicians, occupational nurses, occupational hygienists, safety engineers, psychologists, ergonomists, physiotherapists and epidemiologists.

The main objective of the information stand is to raise awareness of the impact of new digital technologies on work and workplaces and the occupational safety and health challenges and opportunities that these technologies pose, presenting the "Safe and Healthy Work in the Digital Age" campaign and other Agency projects.    

In parallel to the exhibition stand, EU-OSHA is participating in several symposia and other actions with varying degrees of involvements such as:

  • EU-OSHA will organise a symposium titled: State of OSH in Europe: Developments, strategies and tools for effective OSH management” on Monday 29 April,  and a special session on Workers' exposure survey on cancer risk factors – Discussion on findings” on Thursday 2 May.
  • The Executive Director of EU-OSHA will take part in the Global Policy Forum chaired by ICOH President on Tuesday 30 April.
  • EU-OSHA will contribute to a special session on “Nordic and Global Collaboration for OSH impact” organised by the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority on Monday 29 April.
  • EU-OSHA will participate as well in symposia, special sessions (e.g. “Future of Work: emerging risks and opportunities for health and wellbeing”,  “Women Health and Work, and OSH performance management”), and will take the opportunity to meet different stakeholders.