Praktična orodja in smernice o kostno-mišičnih obolenjih

Za lažje ocenjevanje in obvladovanje tveganj za razvoj kostno-mišičnih obolenj je v našo uporabniku prijazno podatkovno zbirko vključena vrsta praktičnih orodij in smernic, pripravljenih na ravni EU in nacionalni ravni.

Med temi viri so študije primerov in vizualno gradivo, ki zajemajo številne sektorje, različne vrste nevarnosti in preventivne ukrepe. Nekateri so posebej namenjeni določenim akterjem, na primer delodajalcem, delavcem ali direktorjem, nekateri pa obvladovanju kostno-mišičnih obolenj med posebnimi skupinami delavcev. Viri se lahko filtrirajo po kateri koli od teh ali več drugih kategorij, tako da ni težko najti točno tistega, kar iščete.

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Resources available (67)

Visual resources EU English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This campaign infographic provides information about sedentary jobs and what can be done by employers and workers to address the risks associated with lack of movement and lack of physical activity at work.

Guides & Tools Madžarska English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This OSHwiki article presents the Hungarian Spine Society (HSS) prevention programme set up to achieve daily physical education (DPE) with special posture-correcting exercises for all students. A sedentary lifestyle in children affects the development of their spine, its physiological curvature and...

Guides & Tools Madžarska English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

The objective of this OSHwiki article is to show how public health actors were able to achieve mandatory prescription and gradual implementation of daily physical education (DPE) for all schoolchildren in Hungary and how the implementation was helped by medical professionals and by some ambitious...

Visual resources Španija Spanish
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This leaflet offers recommendation on the healthy way to telework.

Visual resources Španija Spanish
Provider (English)
Unión de Pequeños Agricultures y Ganaderos - UPA
Provider (Original)
Unión de Pequeños Agricultures y Ganaderos - UPA

This leaflet illustrates some of the most common risks in the agricultural sector, including musculoskeletal disorders.

Guides & Tools EU English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This article shows how important it is to adopt a "life-course" approach for studying musculoskeletal conditions and musculoskeletal health. This approach gives potential for a better understanding of how and why musculoskeletal conditions occur over the life course and how musculoskeletal health...

Guides & Tools Canada English
Provider (English)
Canadian Centre for Occupational Safety and Health (CCOHS)
Provider (Original)
Canadian Centre for Occupational Safety and Health (CCOHS)

This factsheets explain how continuous standing or sitting while working is a common source of discomfort and fatigue. Frequent changes of body positions, including alternating between sitting and standing, helps to avoid fatigue.