Praktické nástroje a usmernenia k poškodeniam podporno-pohybovej sústavy

Naša ľahko použiteľná databáza zahŕňa rôzne praktické nástroje a usmerňujúce materiály, ktoré boli vyvinuté na vnútroštátnej úrovni i na úrovni EÚ s cieľom uľahčiť pracoviskám hodnotenie poškodení podporno-pohybovej sústavy a riadenie súvisiacich rizík.

Zdroje, ako sú prípadové štúdie či vizuálne materiály, pokrývajú široké spektrum odvetví, druhov nebezpečenstiev a preventívnych opatrení. Niektoré sa osobitne zameriavajú na určité subjekty, napr. zamestnávateľov, zamestnancov a manažérov, a iné na riadenie poškodení podporno-pohybovej sústavy v prípade konkrétnych skupín zamestnancov. Zdroje možno filtrovať podľa týchto kategórií alebo kombinácií iných kategórií, takže ľahšie nájdete presne to, čo hľadáte.

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Resources available (36)

Visual resources Guides & Tools Nemecko German
Provider (English)
AGR (German Healthy Back Campaign Association)
Provider (Original)
AGR Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V.

AGR (German Healthy Back Campaign Association) developped together with the Confederation of German Back Schools (KddR) a mix of stretching, strengthening exercises as well as exercises to improve coordination in order to prevent back pain and to reduce existing backproblems. The website shows...

Visual resources Guides & Tools Rakúsko German
Provider (English)
Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt
Provider (Original)
Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt

This general poster gives insight about what happens in your back during sitting and how to make sure people sit with good posture.

Visual resources Nemecko German
Provider (English)
Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Provider (Original)
Schweizer Staatsekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO

If you have a job that requires you to stand for long periods of time, it can be very hard on your back and legs. This poster presents different exercises to prevent back problems.

Visual resources Nemecko German
Provider (English)
AOK insurance company in Baden-Würtemberg
Provider (Original)
AOK Baden-Würtemberg Versicherung

An desk job can contribute to back pain, especially if you have poor posture or sit all day in an office chair. This poster shows exercises for back mobilisation and that strengthen the lower back and may help people manage lower back pain.

Visual resources Nemecko German
Provider (English)
AOK insurance company in Baden-Würtemberg
Provider (Original)
AOK Baden-Würtemberg Versicherung

Plan ten minutes of exercise during your lunch break on a regular basis. This poster shows various exercises to improve fitness and physical agility at work.

Visual resources Nemecko German
Provider (English)
AOK insurance company in Baden-Würtemberg
Provider (Original)
AOK Baden-Würtemberg Versicherung

Working long hours at a desk, little moving, and awkward positions can increase your risk of injuries. This poster shows easy to do exercises to train your sonsor motorik. you need only a towel or a yoga mat.

Visual resources Nemecko German
Provider (English)
German statutory accident insurance for the energy, textile, and electrical and media products
Provider (Original)
Berufsgenossenschaft Energie, Textil, Elektro und Medienerzeugnisse

Poster raising awareness on dynamic sitting position: prolonged sitting Prolonged sitting is an increasing occupational health risk in the workplace. Prolonged sitting is a risk factor for various health problems. However, sitting all day long is s everyday life for many people. Changing the posture...