MSDs in the agriculture sector: from identifying the risks to adopting preventive measures

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MSDs in the agriculture sector: from identifying the risks to adopting preventive measures

MSDs in the agriculture sector: from identifying the risks to adopting preventive measures

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Guides & Tools


Provider (English)
Provider (Original)


Farming involves a lot of repetitive work. Manual handling and lifting in particular can cause strain and awkward positions. Outdoor work and specificities of terrain make the design of agricultural machinery challenging. This discussion paper looks at the use of mechanisation to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders, especially upper limb disorders, in the agricultural sector.

Farming involves a lot of repetitive work. Manual handling and lifting in particular can cause strain and awkward positions. Outdoor work and specificities of terrain make the design of agricultural machinery challenging. This discussion paper looks at the use of mechanisation to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders, especially upper limb disorders, in the agricultural sector.

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Other data

Nezvyčajné polohy
Práca v rýchlom tempe
Prudké pohyby
Ručná manipulácia s bremenami
Opakované pohyby/opakovaná práca
Statické polohy – státie
Health effects
Bolesť alebo poranenie chrbta
Poruchy horných končatín
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Všetci (žiadna konkrétna skupina)
Prevention measures
Odstránenie nebezpečenstiev
Zlepšovanie jednotlivých pracovných techník (napr. polôh pri ručnej manipulácii)
Participácia zamestnancov
Technické opatrenia, napr. ergonomické vybavenie
Zníženie/minimalizovanie rizika prostredníctvom organizačných opatrení, napr. znížením počtu vystavených pracovníkov, striedania pracovných miest
Target audience
Všetci (žiadna konkrétna cieľová skupina)