Make your voice count! Ensure your social rights by voting in the EU elections

Logo for the EU elections 2024

@European Union 2020

The European elections will take place between 6 - 9 June 2024 to shape the future of Europe and of its millions of citizens.

By using the vote, people have the opportunity to influence and decide on key matters like reinforcing Europe’s industrial competitiveness, spreading economic growth, promoting recovery, resilience and employment, as well as seeking equal treatment for all.

These issues are also particularly important in the context of the EU Pillar of Social Rights, which aims to deliver fundamental social rights, including fair working conditions, equal opportunities and access to the labour market. EU-OSHA fully supports the EU Pillar, working for safe, healthy and well-adapted workplaces in Europe.

Find all the information about how to vote in your country

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Don't forget to follow, use and share the #UseYourVote and #SocialRights hashtags