What we do


We work to make European workplaces safer, healthier and more productive — for the benefit of businesses, employees and governments. We promote a culture of risk prevention to improve working conditions in Europe.

Discover EU-OSHA: check out our corporate video!

Our key activities

  • The Healthy Workplaces Campaigns — our two-year campaigns raise awareness of occupational safety and health (OSH) topics across Europe
  • Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) project — we provide online risk assessment tools for small and medium-sized enterprises to assess and manage risks in the workplace
  • The ESENER survey — this extensive survey provides a snapshot of how safety and health risks are managed in European workplaces
  • OSHwiki  — a collaborative online encyclopaedia of accurate and reliable information on OSH
  • Foresight projects — we highlight and study new and emerging risks in OSH through dedicated foresight projects
  • OSH overviews — we provide overviews on specific OSH topics and identify priorities
  • NAPO films  — a series of short, lighthearted, language-free films on important workplace safety and health topics

How we do it

  • Campaigns — to raise awareness and provide information on the importance of OSH for workers, individual businesses and European policy objectives
  • Risk prevention — by designing and facilitating the development of hands-on instruments for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to help them assess workplace risks and share knowledge and good practice on safety and health
  • Partnerships — with governments, employers’ and workers’ organisations, EU bodies and networks, and private companies. Our network of focal points is key to the success of our work
  • Research — to identify and assess new and emerging risks at work, and integrate OSH into areas such as education, public health and research