Għodda prattika u gwida dwar disturbi muskoloskeletali

Sabiex ikun faċli għall-postijiet tax-xogħol biex jivvalutaw u jimmaniġġjaw ir-riskji MSD, il-bażi ta’ data tagħna, li hi faċli biex tintuża, tinkludi varjetà ta’ għodda prattika u materjal ta’ gwida żviluppati fil-livelli nazzjonali u tal-UE.

Ir-riżorsi jinkludu studji tal-każijiet u materjali viżwali u jkopru firxa wiesgħa ta’ setturi, tipi ta’ periklu u miżuri ta’ prevenzjoni. Xi wħud huma mmirati speċifikament lejn ċerti atturi, pereżempju l-impjegaturi, il-ħaddiema jew il-maniġers, u xi wħud lejn il-ġestjoni ta’ MSDs fost gruppi speċifiċi ta’ ħaddiema. Ir-riżorsi jistgħu jiġu ffiltrati skont kwalunkwe waħda minn dawn jew skont varjetà ta’ kategoriji oħra, għaldaqstant ma jistax ikun aktar faċli biex issib eżattament dak li qed tfittex.

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Resources available (5)

Guides & Tools USA English
Provider (English)
Arthritis Foundation
Provider (Original)
Arthritis Foundation

This guide for teachers provides an overview of arthritis, including types of arthritis, treatment options and the potential impacts of juvenile arthritis (JA) on school performance. It also includes a school activities checklist and physical activity guide and offers ways teachers can help students...

Guides & Tools Ir-Renju Unit English
Provider (English)
National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS)
Provider (Original)
National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS)

Managing Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis JIA in School is a guide for everyone who works in an educational setting with children 10 years old and above and for parents/carers who have education-related questions.

Guides & Tools Australia English
Provider (English)
Arthritis Australia
Provider (Original)
Arthritis Australia

Teachers and schools can play a major role in helping children and adolescents with arthritis to manage their condition and get the most out of their lives. Ensuring the student with arthritis is included, and feels included, in school activities is one of the best ways to overcome feelings of not...

Case study Il-Ġermanja German
Provider (English)
Trainings center Bau-ABC Rostrup
Provider (Original)
Bildungszentrum Bau-ABC Rostrup

The incidence of low back pain in construction workers is consistently reported as being higher than in all other industries. Lifting and carrying weights of more than 25 kg and working overhead and in bad postures leads to back problems. Younger workers are often more prone to muskuloskeletal...

Guides & Tools Ir-Renju Unit English
Provider (English)
versus arthritis
Provider (Original)
versus arthritis

Arthritis in young people can be complex. Its severity varies from one person to another, and someone's symptoms can alter greatly from day to day. A caring and friendly school environment, and staff with positive, understanding and compassionate attitudes, will make a big difference for a young...