Għodda prattika u gwida dwar disturbi muskoloskeletali

Sabiex ikun faċli għall-postijiet tax-xogħol biex jivvalutaw u jimmaniġġjaw ir-riskji MSD, il-bażi ta’ data tagħna, li hi faċli biex tintuża, tinkludi varjetà ta’ għodda prattika u materjal ta’ gwida żviluppati fil-livelli nazzjonali u tal-UE.

Ir-riżorsi jinkludu studji tal-każijiet u materjali viżwali u jkopru firxa wiesgħa ta’ setturi, tipi ta’ periklu u miżuri ta’ prevenzjoni. Xi wħud huma mmirati speċifikament lejn ċerti atturi, pereżempju l-impjegaturi, il-ħaddiema jew il-maniġers, u xi wħud lejn il-ġestjoni ta’ MSDs fost gruppi speċifiċi ta’ ħaddiema. Ir-riżorsi jistgħu jiġu ffiltrati skont kwalunkwe waħda minn dawn jew skont varjetà ta’ kategoriji oħra, għaldaqstant ma jistax ikun aktar faċli biex issib eżattament dak li qed tfittex.

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Resources available (33)

Visual resources Guides & Tools Il-Ġermanja German
Provider (English)
AGR (German Healthy Back Campaign Association)
Provider (Original)
AGR Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V.

AGR (German Healthy Back Campaign Association) developped together with the Confederation of German Back Schools (KddR) a mix of stretching, strengthening exercises as well as exercises to improve coordination in order to prevent back pain and to reduce existing backproblems. The website shows...

Visual resources Spanja Spanish
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

Poster " Warm up muscles and joints in 5 minutes " which gives a series of exercises vey easy to understand as they are illustrated.

Visual resources Il-Ġermanja German
Provider (English)
German Commission for Occupational Health and Safety and Standardization (KAN)
Provider (Original)
Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege

Footwear is important for musculoskeletal function — especially for people who stay for a long time on their feet. In health care workers have to walk and stand for long periods. Choosing the right footwear can help to prevent pain in the back, hips, knees, and feet. This leaflet provides tips to...

Visual resources Case study Il-Ġermanja German
Provider (English)
German statutory accident insurance for trade and logistics - BGHW
Provider (Original)
Berufsgenossenschaft Handel und Warenlogistik -BGHW

The company Seehafen Kiel Stevedoring operates in the port with heavy-lift cargo, whether it is about heavy goods, container handling or assembling machinery. To lift the cargo they use stabil but heavy chains, that can only be managed by two workers. Therefore, the company developped a strong and...

Visual resources Il-Ġermanja German
Provider (English)
German Accident Insurance of Rheinland-Pfalz (UK RLP)
Provider (Original)
unfallkasse Rheinland-pfalz (UK RLP)

Firefighting is dangerous work. Among others firefighters perform strenuous muscular work: they must climb stairs and ladders, carry and use heavy equipment, often above their head or in awkward positions, and they may be called upon to perform difficult rescue operations and handling victims...

Visual resources Guides & Tools Il-Ġermanja German
Provider (English)
German Social Accident Insurance for the for the health and welfare services (BGW)
Provider (Original)
Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege (BGW)

Staying fit at work: awkward and prolonged postures associated with lifting and moving patients - many work in health care can lead to back injuries. This poster shows you some exercises to prevent back injuries in health care.

Visual resources Il-Ġermanja German
Provider (English)
German Social Accident Insurance for the wood and metal industry -BGHM
Provider (Original)
Berufsgenossenschaft Holz und Metall - BGHM

Carrying and lifting like a pro. Poster giving tips and showing the right technique to carry and lift loads and preventing the risk of back problems.