Għodda prattika u gwida dwar disturbi muskoloskeletali

Sabiex ikun faċli għall-postijiet tax-xogħol biex jivvalutaw u jimmaniġġjaw ir-riskji MSD, il-bażi ta’ data tagħna, li hi faċli biex tintuża, tinkludi varjetà ta’ għodda prattika u materjal ta’ gwida żviluppati fil-livelli nazzjonali u tal-UE.

Ir-riżorsi jinkludu studji tal-każijiet u materjali viżwali u jkopru firxa wiesgħa ta’ setturi, tipi ta’ periklu u miżuri ta’ prevenzjoni. Xi wħud huma mmirati speċifikament lejn ċerti atturi, pereżempju l-impjegaturi, il-ħaddiema jew il-maniġers, u xi wħud lejn il-ġestjoni ta’ MSDs fost gruppi speċifiċi ta’ ħaddiema. Ir-riżorsi jistgħu jiġu ffiltrati skont kwalunkwe waħda minn dawn jew skont varjetà ta’ kategoriji oħra, għaldaqstant ma jistax ikun aktar faċli biex issib eżattament dak li qed tfittex.

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Resources available (9)

Case study L-Awstrija English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

Workers at the Austrian materials company Rohrdorfer Transportbeton GmbH were at risk from MSDs such as back strain from manually lifting and emptying heavy packages into concrete mixer trucks. Thanks to a scissor lift introduced by the company to reduce MSDs, employees now work more safely with...

Case study L-Awstrija English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

The work of some 600 older support staff at University Hospital Vienna, the largest hospital in Austria, is physically strenuous. A new work environment designed to accommodate this ageing workforce was needed. With the involvement and participation of workers, the hospital introduced measures such...

Case study Id-Danimarka English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

Many of the tasks in childcare require a significant amount of lifting and many repetitive movements. Over time it becomes increasingly difficult for employees of a certain age to lift children. The kindergarten implemented a number of measures to reduce the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders...

Case study Il-Ġermanja German
Provider (English)
The German Social Accident Insurance for the raw materials and chemical industry (BG RCI)
Provider (Original)
Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie

A scissor-lift table is a work table that can be raised and lowered to the desired position and thus reduce the physical requirements during product assembly. It can reduce the forward bending, reaching and awkward postures associated with performing work at a less-than-ideal work height.The scissor...

Case study USA English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This series of short informative case studies looks at a range of policy level initiatives across Europe and beyond aiming to prevent and manage work-related MSDs. The studies focus on achievements, factors contributing to their success and challenges encountered, and transferability to other...

Case study Il-Ġermanja German
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

Workplace adjustments allow disabled people to have the same access to the workplace as their non-disabled colleagues. The REHADAT portal provides Good Practice examples for people with disabilities. More than 450 Good Practice examples show what employers can do to remove barriers to work for...

Case study Franza French
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)
Current demographic trends, combined with policies aimed at extending working life, are contributing to an increase in the proportion of "older" employees in French companies. The current demographic trends, combined with policies aimed at extending working life, are contributing to an increase in...