Għodda prattika u gwida dwar disturbi muskoloskeletali

Sabiex ikun faċli għall-postijiet tax-xogħol biex jivvalutaw u jimmaniġġjaw ir-riskji MSD, il-bażi ta’ data tagħna, li hi faċli biex tintuża, tinkludi varjetà ta’ għodda prattika u materjal ta’ gwida żviluppati fil-livelli nazzjonali u tal-UE.

Ir-riżorsi jinkludu studji tal-każijiet u materjali viżwali u jkopru firxa wiesgħa ta’ setturi, tipi ta’ periklu u miżuri ta’ prevenzjoni. Xi wħud huma mmirati speċifikament lejn ċerti atturi, pereżempju l-impjegaturi, il-ħaddiema jew il-maniġers, u xi wħud lejn il-ġestjoni ta’ MSDs fost gruppi speċifiċi ta’ ħaddiema. Ir-riżorsi jistgħu jiġu ffiltrati skont kwalunkwe waħda minn dawn jew skont varjetà ta’ kategoriji oħra, għaldaqstant ma jistax ikun aktar faċli biex issib eżattament dak li qed tfittex.

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Resources available (17)

Guides & Tools Canada French
Provider (English)
Joint association for occupational health and safety in the social affairs sector
Provider (Original)
Association paritaire pour la santé et la sécurité du travail du secteur affaires sociales
Despite good moving methods, transferring to bed can be a demanding task for caregivers when the person is not able to help themselves sufficiently. HAcare has developed a bed to allow people to be completely independent in making this transfer and to minimize the effort of caregivers.
Guides & Tools Canada French
Provider (English)
Joint association for occupational health and safety in the social affairs sector
Provider (Original)
Association paritaire pour la santé et la sécurité du travail du secteur affaires sociales
The health and social services sector has been targeted by the CNESST for its high rate of work-related accidents. MSDs are the leading cause of occupational injuries in our sector. They represent nearly 50% of the injuries, days of absence and expenses. What are the risk situations for developing...
Visual resources Guides & Tools Canada English
Provider (English)
Joint association for occupational health and safety in the social affairs sector
Provider (Original)
Association paritaire pour la santé et la sécurité du travail du secteur affaires sociales
A poster for the prevention of excessive forces when handling loads and trolleys.
Guides & Tools Canada English
Provider (English)
Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS)
Provider (Original)
Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS)

This info sheet gives different strategies to reduce MSD hazards and improve workplace performance. It contains of three main principles: Ten ways to keep MSDs at bay Information on how gender can effect MSDs Low-tech, low-cost ergonomics solutions especially for small businesses.

Guides & Tools Canada French
Provider (English)
Occupational Health Public Health Network
Provider (Original)
Réseau de santé publique en santé au travail
Ergonomic solutions guide for dental office employers. It was produced to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries for dental assistants (DAs), following an ergonomic intervention carried out in Lanaudière in 2018, by Julie Lévesque and Shawn Crossan, as part of the provincial project to...
Guides & Tools Canada French
Provider (English)
Occupational Health Public Health Network
Provider (Original)
Réseau de santé publique en santé au travail
Ergonomic solutions guide for dental office employers, produced to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries for dental hygienists (HDs) following an ergonomic intervention carried out in Lanaudière in 2018, by Julie Lévesque and Shawn Crossan, as part of the provincial project to harmonize medico...
Visual resources Guides & Tools Canada French
Provider (English)
Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST)
Provider (Original)
Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST)

The purpose of this document is to promote reflection, present strategies facilitating the application, by nursing staff, of practices for preventing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), and propose ways of supporting the implementation of these strategies. The document is presented in the form of fact...