Għodda prattika u gwida dwar disturbi muskoloskeletali

Sabiex ikun faċli għall-postijiet tax-xogħol biex jivvalutaw u jimmaniġġjaw ir-riskji MSD, il-bażi ta’ data tagħna, li hi faċli biex tintuża, tinkludi varjetà ta’ għodda prattika u materjal ta’ gwida żviluppati fil-livelli nazzjonali u tal-UE.

Ir-riżorsi jinkludu studji tal-każijiet u materjali viżwali u jkopru firxa wiesgħa ta’ setturi, tipi ta’ periklu u miżuri ta’ prevenzjoni. Xi wħud huma mmirati speċifikament lejn ċerti atturi, pereżempju l-impjegaturi, il-ħaddiema jew il-maniġers, u xi wħud lejn il-ġestjoni ta’ MSDs fost gruppi speċifiċi ta’ ħaddiema. Ir-riżorsi jistgħu jiġu ffiltrati skont kwalunkwe waħda minn dawn jew skont varjetà ta’ kategoriji oħra, għaldaqstant ma jistax ikun aktar faċli biex issib eżattament dak li qed tfittex.

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Resources available (19)

Guides & Tools EU English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This discussion paper investigates the effect of psychosocial risks on returning to work with an MSD. It concludes that the important factors for a successful return to work include holistic risk assessment of physical and psychosocial risks, a planned return-to-work programme, involving the worker...

Guides & Tools Canada French
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

Shoulder injuries are a major problem in the general population, particularly among workers. Given the magnitude of this health problem, the research team, led by doctors Desmeules, Roy and Dyer, published a practical guide adapted to the Québec context, dealing with the clinical evaluation...

Guides & Tools EU English
Provider (English)

This report takes an in-depth look at working with chronic musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). It highlights the importance of designing inclusive workplaces and sets out principles for managing chronic MSDs, with prevention, early intervention, and effective, participative rehabilitation and return...

Guides & Tools EU English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

Summary of a report takes an in-depth look at working with chronic musculoskeletal disorders. It highlights the importance of designing inclusive workplaces and sets out principles for managing chronic MSDs, with prevention, early intervention, and effective, participative rehabilitation and return...

Guides & Tools EU English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This article concerns early intervention where work is compromised by or aggravates a musculoskeletal problem. The sooner a musculoskeletal problem is managed, the less likely it is that it will lead to long-term work loss.

Guides & Tools EU English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This article presents a holistic bio-psycho-social view as the best approach to achieve effective management and prevention of disability caused by chronic disorders.

Guides & Tools EU Bulgarian , Czech , Danish , German , Estonian , Greek , English , Spanish , French , Italian , Latvian , Lithuanian , Hungarian , Malti , Dutch , Polish , Romanian , Slovak , Slovenian , Finnish , Swedish
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This checklist includes questions on working postures of the back and neck, arms and hands, legs during sitting and standing tasks. It also gives examples of the type of action at a technical, organisational and individual level that can be put in place to prevent or reduce the risks caused by...