Rapid office strain assessment

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Rapid office strain assessment

Rapid office strain assessment

Type of item
Guides & Tools


Provider (English)
Cornell University Ergonomics Web
Provider (Original)
Cornell University Ergonomics Web


ROSA is a picture-based postural targeting screening tool for quantifying exposure to risk factors for office workers. A ROSA assessment gives a quick and systematic assessment of the postural risks to a worker. The analysis can be conducted before and after an intervention to demonstrate that the intervention has worked to lower the risk of injury.


ROSA is a picture-based postural targeting screening tool for quantifying exposure to risk factors for office workers. A ROSA assessment gives a quick and systematic assessment of the postural risks to a worker. The analysis can be conducted before and after an intervention to demonstrate that the intervention has worked to lower the risk of injury.


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Other data

Pożizzjonijiet statiċi - bilqiegħda
L-użu ta’ Apparat ta’ Wiri fuq Skrin
Health effects
MSDs mhux speċifikati
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Kollha (l-ebda grupp speċifiku)
Prevention measures
Eliminazzjoni tal-perikli
Pariri u miżuri sempliċi
Miżuri tekniċi eż. tagħmir ergonomiku
Purpose of the material
Valutazzjoni tar-riskju
Target audience
Uffiċjali tas-sikurezza
Tabib tas-saħħa okkupazzjonali
Konsulent tal-OSH