PErforM - Participative Ergonomics for Manual Tasks

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PErforM - Participative Ergonomics for Manual Tasks

PErforM - Participative Ergonomics for Manual Tasks

Type of item
Guides & Tools


Provider (English)
Worksafe Autralia
Provider (Original)
Worksafe Autralia


PErforM is a simple manual task risk management program which provides "a framework to help employers engage with workers at all levels to identify, assess and control manual tasks risks within their workplace. The idea of PErforM is that the worker is the expert in performing their work tasks." The PErforM program has been used successfully in a wide range of industries where potentially hazardous manual tasks are performed. It is not recommended for people and animal handling tasks or computer workstation assessments.


PErforM is a simple manual task risk management program which provides "a framework to help employers engage with workers at all levels to identify, assess and control manual tasks risks within their workplace. The idea of PErforM is that the worker is the expert in performing their work tasks." The PErforM program has been used successfully in a wide range of industries where potentially hazardous manual tasks are performed. It is not recommended for people and animal handling tasks or computer workstation assessments.


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Pożizzjonijiet skomdi
Movimenti bis-saħħa
Tqandil manwali tat-tagħbija
Movimenti/xogħol ripetittiv(i)
Health effects
MSDs mhux speċifikati
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Kollha (l-ebda grupp speċifiku)
Prevention measures
Titjib fit-tekniki ta’ xogħol individwali (eż. pożizzjonijiet ta’ tqandil manwali)
Pariri u miżuri sempliċi
Miżuri tekniċi eż. tagħmir ergonomiku
Taħriġ/gwida (għall-ħaddiema)
Purpose of the material
Valutazzjoni tar-riskju
Target audience
Kollha (l-ebda udjenza fil-mira speċifika)