Obstacles to returning to work with chronic pain: in-depth interviews with people who are off work due to chronic pain and employers

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Obstacles to returning to work with chronic pain: in-depth interviews with people who are off work due to chronic pain and employers

Obstacles to returning to work with chronic pain: in-depth interviews with people who are off work due to chronic pain and employers

Type of item
Guides & Tools
Ir-Renju Unit


Provider (English)
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Provider (Original)
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders


The global burden of chronic pain is growing with implications for both an ageing workforce and employers. Many obstacles are faced by people with chronic pain in finding employment and returning to work after a period of absence. Few studies have explored obstacles to return-to-work (RTW) from workers’ and employers’ perspectives. Here we explore views of both people in pain and employers about challenges to returning to work of people who are off work with chronic pain.

The global burden of chronic pain is growing with implications for both an ageing workforce and employers. Many obstacles are faced by people with chronic pain in finding employment and returning to work after a period of absence. Few studies have explored obstacles to return-to-work (RTW) from workers’ and employers’ perspectives. Here we explore views of both people in pain and employers about challenges to returning to work of people who are off work with chronic pain.

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Ħidma b’kundizzjoni/marda eżistenti tal-MSD
Health effects
Aggravar ta’ kundizzjoni (kronika) eżistenti
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Persuni li jbatu minn disturb jew marda ta’ MSK
Prevention measures
Purpose of the material
Target audience
Rappreżentanti tal-ħaddiema
Konsulent tal-OSH