How to prevent physical strain in contruction?

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How to prevent physical strain in contruction?

Hoe beperk je lichamelijke belasting in de bouw?

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Guides & Tools


Provider (English)
Provider (Original)


Workers in the construction industry perform physically demanding work. The physical strain is often high. This can lead to complaints to the neck, shoulder and back, and thus even to sickness absence and disability. Almost half of the absenteeism in the construction industry is caused by these complaints. On this website you can find more information about physical strain, tips to avoit it and a step-by-step approach to choose the right equipment/tools to avoid physical strain. 


The Working Conditions Act requires the employer to take measures to prevent or limit physical strain. But also as an employee you can ensure that you do not overload your body. As an employer and employee, look together for solutions that limit physical strain. This reduces the chance of complaints.

Werknemers in de bouwnijverheid voeren lichamelijk zwaar werk uit. De lichamelijke belasting is vaak hoog. Dit kan leiden tot klachten aan de nek, schouder en rug en daarmee zelfs tot ziekteverzuim en arbeidsongeschiktheid. Bijna de helft van het ziekteverzuim in de bouwnijverheid wordt veroorzaakt door deze klachten. Op deze pagina vind je meer informatie over fysieke belasting in de bouw, tips om dit te voorkomen en een stappenplan om de juiste hulpmiddelen te selcteren om fysieke belasting te verminderen. 

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Pożizzjonijiet skomdi
Movimenti bis-saħħa
Tqandil manwali tat-tagħbija
Organizzazzjoni tax-xogħol ħażina
Movimenti/xogħol ripetittiv(i)
Pożizzjonijiet statiċi - bilwieqfa
Health effects
MSDs mhux speċifikati
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Kollha (l-ebda grupp speċifiku)
Prevention measures
Eliminazzjoni tal-perikli
Titjib fit-tekniki ta’ xogħol individwali (eż. pożizzjonijiet ta’ tqandil manwali)
Miżuri tekniċi eż. tagħmir ergonomiku
Taħriġ/gwida (għall-ħaddiema)
Purpose of the material
Informazzjoni ġenerali
Target audience