Strumenti pratici e orientamenti sui disturbi muscoloscheletrici

Per consentire un’agevole valutazione e gestione dei rischi di DMS nei luoghi di lavoro, la nostra banca dati di facile utilizzo contiene vari strumenti pratici e materiali orientativi sviluppati a livello dell’UE e nazionale.

Le risorse includono studi campione e materiali visivi e riguardano svariati settori, tipi di pericolo e misure di prevenzione. Alcune sono rivolte in modo specifico a determinati soggetti interessati, ad esempio datori di lavoro, lavoratori o dirigenti, mentre altre alla gestione dei DMS tra gruppi specifici di lavoratori. Le risorse possono essere filtrate per una di queste categorie o altre ancora, così non avrai problemi a trovare esattamente ciò che cerchi.

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Resources available (9)

Guides & Tools Ungheria English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

The objective of this OSHwiki article is to show how public health actors were able to achieve mandatory prescription and gradual implementation of daily physical education (DPE) for all schoolchildren in Hungary and how the implementation was helped by medical professionals and by some ambitious...

Guides & Tools Ungheria Hungarian
Provider (English)
Hungarian trade union of chemical, energy and related professions
Provider (Original)
Magyar vegyipari, energiaipari és rokon szakmákban dolgozók szakszervezeti szövetsége

This website provides a brief summary on the topic of MSDs and some tips for its prevention.

Guides & Tools Ungheria Hungarian
Provider (English)
Hungarian Trade Union
Provider (Original)
Liga Szakszervezetek

This booklet presents the possible ways of preventing health damage caused by occupational risk factors and the possibilities of risk management. Special attention is paid to the environmental factors of the task, the ergonomic factors such as material handling, its occurrence and the potential...

Guides & Tools Ungheria Hungarian
Provider (Original)
BDSZ - Bánya-, Energia és Ipari dolgozók Szakszervezete

The publication give details about occupational diseases caused by working in the light industry, and provides information about the prevention options.

Guides & Tools Ungheria Hungarian
Provider (English)
Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Provider (Original)
Pécsi Tudományegyetem

The purpose of this publication is to prevent musculoskeletal disorders, raise awareness of major diseases and risk factors, and to communicate to employers the positive impact of disease prevention measures. These may include physical strain, health hazards, avoidance or reduction of unnecessary...

Guides & Tools Slovacchia Slovak
Provider (English)
National Labour Inspection
Provider (Original)
Národný inšpektorát práce

Guide giving information on why a prevention policy needs to be implemented for manual handling of loads in the retail sector. What are the preventive solutions in the retail sector and how to implement them.

Guides & Tools Slovacchia Slovak
Provider (English)
National Labour Inspection
Provider (Original)
Národný inšpektorát práce

Guide giving information on why a prevention policy needs to be implemented for manual handling of loads in the construction sector. What are the preventive solutions in the retail sector and how to implement them.