Strumenti pratici e orientamenti sui disturbi muscoloscheletrici

Per consentire un’agevole valutazione e gestione dei rischi di DMS nei luoghi di lavoro, la nostra banca dati di facile utilizzo contiene vari strumenti pratici e materiali orientativi sviluppati a livello dell’UE e nazionale.

Le risorse includono studi campione e materiali visivi e riguardano svariati settori, tipi di pericolo e misure di prevenzione. Alcune sono rivolte in modo specifico a determinati soggetti interessati, ad esempio datori di lavoro, lavoratori o dirigenti, mentre altre alla gestione dei DMS tra gruppi specifici di lavoratori. Le risorse possono essere filtrate per una di queste categorie o altre ancora, così non avrai problemi a trovare esattamente ciò che cerchi.

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Resources available (58)

Guides & Tools Italia English
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Provider (Original)

This discussion paper looks at the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the construction sector in the EU and in Italy in particular and at the tasks that put workers at risk, such as manual lifting and awkward postures.

Guides & Tools Australia English
Provider (English)
Work Safe Australia,

This webpage provides a basic introduction to the issues of prolonged sitting at work.

Guides & Tools Italia English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This article presents the data sheets developed by INAIL-CONTARP to assess the risk of many non-standardisable repetitive tasks in the sector. The method used was the OCRA checklist. This method has proved to be reliable and allows users to draw up a map of the risk for repetitive work.

Guides & Tools Australia English
Provider (English)
Australian Government Comcare
Provider (Original)
Australian Government Comcare

This checklist provides guidance for short-term working from home arrangements.The considerations proposed should be seen as minimum requirements only.

Guides & Tools Australia English
Provider (English)
Be Upstanding
Provider (Original)
Be Upstanding

When working from home, the majority of your time is likely to still be spent sitting at a desk or table. Our main reaction to a busy workload is to sit for as long as possible until the task is done. To help avoid this, this blog provides useful tips on sitting less and moving more.

Guides & Tools Australia English
Provider (English)
OHS Reps Union

This web section provides guidance to employers of workers who work remotely and advice to workers to maintain “mental health”.

Guides & Tools EU, Austria, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Ungheria, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Spagna, Svezia English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This synthesis report is part of a much larger project intended to support policy-makers at EU and national levels by providing an accurate picture of the prevalence and costs of MSDs across Europe, pulling together existing data from a number of relevant and reliable official statistical sources...