From an MSD prevention approach to a Quality of Life at Work approach: the challenge of work analysis

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From an MSD prevention approach to a Quality of Life at Work approach: the challenge of work analysis

D’une démarche prévention des TMS à une approche Qualité de Vie au Travail : l’enjeu de l’analyse du travail

Type of item
Case study


Provider (English)
National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions (ANACT)
Provider (Original)
Agence nationale pour l’amélioration des conditions de travail (ANACT)


This case study takes place in a residential center for retiring women with mental disabilities. MSDs are subject of particular attention by those involved in prevention. Based on collectively defined criteria, they carried out, as part of an action-training course, an inventory based on observation and interviews. The analysis was then shared with the steering committee. The diagnosis made it possible to set up preventive actions for MSDs and to reflect more generally on the Quality of life at work approach.

Cette étude de cas se déroule dans ce centre d’accueil de personnes handicapées mentale. Les TMS y font l’objet d’une attention particulière de la part des acteurs de la prévention. Partant de critères définis collectivement, ceux-ci ont effectué, dans le cadre d’une formation-action, un état des lieux mené à partir d'observation et d'entretiens. L'analyse a ensuite été partagée avec le comité de pilotage. Le diagnostic posé a permis de mettre en place des actions de prévention et de réfléchir d'une manière plus générale à la démarche de Qualité de vie au travail.

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Other data

Posture scomode
Ritmi lavorativi intensi
Movimentazione manuale di carichi
Organizzazione del lavoro non idonea
Pericoli psicosociali/legati allo stress
Health effects
DMS non specificati
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Prevention measures
Partecipazione dei lavoratori
Limitare/ridurre al minimo il rischio mediante misure organizzative, ad esempio la diminuzione del numero di lavoratori esposti e la rotazione del lavoro
Formazione/orientamenti (per i lavoratori)
Purpose of the material
Target audience
Tutti (nessun destinatario specifico)