Handling people in the healthcare industry - risk assessment guideline according to the German Load and Handling Regulation (LasthandhabV)

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Handling people in the healthcare industry - risk assessment guideline according to the German Load and Handling Regulation (LasthandhabV)

Bewegen von Menschen im Gesundheitsdienst und in der Wohlfahrtspflege - Hilfestellung zur Gefährdungsbeurteilung nach der Lastenhandhabungsverordnung

Type of item
Guides & Tools


Provider (English)
German Social Accident Insurance - DGUV
Provider (Original)
Deutsche gesetzliche Unfallversicherung - DGUV


Moving and handling people in healthcare work can lead to musculoskeletal injuries and pain. The health care profession has been shown to be one of the occupation most at risk for back pain. A high proportion of health care professionals report musculoskeletal diseases (MSDs) and the primary cause for MSDs are patient handling tasks such as lifting, transferring, and repositioning of patients. This guideline helps you to assess the risk of handling people in health care according to the German Load and Handling Regulation (LasthandhabV).

Die vorliegende DGUV Information erläutert, wie die Lastenhandhabungsverordnung bezüglich des Bewegens/der Bewegungsunterstützung von Menschen, auch mit Hilfsmitteln, in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitsdienstes und der Wohlfahrtspflege umgesetzt werden kann. Die Belastung der Lendenwirbelsäule der Beschäftigten beim manuellen Bewegen von Menschen ist nach den wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen so hoch, dass ein akuter Handlungsbedarf besteht.


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Other data

Posture scomode
Movimentazione manuale di carichi
Health effects
Dolori o infortuni dorso-lombari
DMS non specificati
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Tutti (nessun gruppo specifico)
Prevention measures
Migliorare le tecniche di lavoro individuali (ad esempio posture legate alla movimentazione manuale)
Misure tecniche, ad esempio attrezzature ergonomiche
Purpose of the material
Valutazione del rischio
Target audience
Datori di lavoro