Hagnýt verkfæri og leiðbeiningar um stoðkerfisvandamál

Til að auðvelda vinnustöðum að leggja mat á og stjórna stoðkerfisvandamálum inniheldur þægilegi gagnagrunnurinn okkar ýmiss konar hagnýt verkfæri og leiðbeiningar sem búin hafa verið til á vegum Evrópusambandsins og aðildarríkjanna.

Meðal úrræða má nefna tilfellarannsóknir og myndefni og ná þau yfir fjölbreytta atvinnugeira, hættugerðir og forvarnarráðstafanir. Sumar eru sérstaklega miðaðar að ákveðnum aðilum, til dæmis vinnuveitendum, launþegum og stjórnendum og sumar að stjórnun stoðkerfisvandamála meðal tiltekinna launþegahópa. Hægt er að flokka úrræðin eftir ofangreindu og fjölmörgum öðrum flokkum svo það gæti ekki verið auðveldara fyrir þig að finna nákvæmlega það sem þú ert að leita að.

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Resources available (71)

Guides & Tools Stóra-Bretland English
Provider (English)
Versus Arthritis
Provider (Original)
Versus Arthritis

Many people suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis are adjusting to the changing lockdown restrictions and are managing their pain at home. People experience pain in different ways and have good and bad days. Versus Arthritis provides advice and resources to help you.

Guides & Tools Stóra-Bretland English
Provider (English)
Youth Sport Trust - UK
Provider (Original)
Youth Sport Trust - UK

A resource / campaign website for girls (aged 11 – 18 years´s old) at school. Creating a campaign, gathering research around what the girls want to see changed in the school or in PE to encourage them to get active or putting on activities.

Visual resources Stóra-Bretland English
Provider (English)
Get kids moving
Provider (Original)
Get kids moving

This YouTube channel help keep kids fit, healthy and more importantly having fun; training alongside their favourite hero whilst they homeschool.

Guides & Tools Stóra-Bretland English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

Website including loads of Disney inspired indoor games and 10 Minute Shake Up activities to help kids stay active while everyone's at home.

Visual resources Stóra-Bretland English
Provider (English)
Cardimus / HSL
Provider (Original)
Cardimus / HSL

Practical and visual course teaching kids the best way to use all the different devices they might see each day so that they don’t hurt themselves. The course covers things like computers, laptops, tablets, games consoles and smart phones. It takes around 10 minutes to complete.

Visual resources Stóra-Bretland English
Provider (English)
Cardimus / HSL
Provider (Original)
Cardimus / HSL

Practical and visual course teaching teens the best way to use all the different devices they might see each day so that they don’t hurt themselves. The course covers things like computers, laptops, tablets, games consoles and smart phones. It takes around 10 minutes to complete.

Visual resources Stóra-Bretland English
Provider (English)
Cardimus / HSL
Provider (Original)
Cardimus / HSL

Practical and visual course teaching the best way to use all the different devices we might see each day so that we don’t hurt ourselves. The course covers things like computers, laptops, tablets, games consoles and smart phones. It takes around 10 minutes to complete.