Factsheet 44 - How to convey OSH information effectively: the case of dangerous substances


Within the EU’s legislative framework, worker information and consultation about hazardous chemical agents occurring in the workplace, health and safety risks and protective and preventive measures is a legal obligation of the employer. The employer shall inform not only workers and their representatives but also employers from any outside undertaking. The information shall be provided in a manner appropriate to the outcome of the risk assessment. This may vary from oral communication to individual instruction and training supported by information in writing. Persons involved in implementing occupational health and safety measures at workplace level, such as employers or workers’ safety representatives, sometimes find it difficult to obtain specific and practical information on dangerous substances. For the European Week for Safety and Health 2003, the Agency has therefore collected some good practice examples describing how to transfer information effectively to different target groups and how to assess the relevance of the information for these groups. The aim is to provide policy makers, chemical suppliers, researchers, safety professionals, employers and intermediary parties (such as the social partners) with practical information to support, adapt and assess their approach. Nineteen good practice examples from across Europe were chosen and grouped relating to the level on which the information was dealt with.

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