Manual handling guidelines: using liberty mutual tables

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Manual handling guidelines: using liberty mutual tables

Manual handling guidelines: using liberty mutual tables

Type of item
Guides & Tools
Egyesült Királyság


Provider (English)
Liberty Mutual Group
Provider (Original)
Liberty Mutual Group


Liberty Mutual has updated the manual material handling tables originally published by Snook in 1978, and by Snook and Ciriello in 1991. The new “Liberty Mutual Manual Materials Handling Tables” provide both the male and female population percentages capable of performing manual material handling tasks without over exertion, rather than maximum acceptable weights and forces. This manual material handling analysis tool is based on the same “Liberty Mutual Manual Materials Handling Tables” and can be used to perform ergonomic assessments of lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, and carrying tasks with the primary goal of supporting ergonomic design interventions.


Liberty Mutual has updated the manual material handling tables originally published by Snook in 1978, and by Snook and Ciriello in 1991. The new “Liberty Mutual Manual Materials Handling Tables” provide both the male and female population percentages capable of performing manual material handling tasks without over exertion, rather than maximum acceptable weights and forces. This manual material handling analysis tool is based on the same “Liberty Mutual Manual Materials Handling Tables” and can be used to perform ergonomic assessments of lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, and carrying tasks with the primary goal of supporting ergonomic design interventions.


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Kézi tehermozgatás
Health effects
Közelebbről meg nem határozott váz-és izomrendszeri megbetegedések
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
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Prevention measures
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