Fitting the task to the person: ergonomics for very small businesses

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Fitting the task to the person: ergonomics for very small businesses

Fitting the task to the person: ergonomics for very small businesses

Type of item
Guides & Tools


Provider (English)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Provider (Original)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration


This booklet presents basic ergonomic principles for very small businesses. It does not include issues specific to computer use, construction or agriculture. You may need the advice of an ergonomics consultant or other outside experts. The field of ergonomics is dynamic, and new information is constantly being developed. 


This booklet presents basic ergonomic principles for very small businesses. It does not include issues specific to computer use, construction or agriculture. You may need the advice of an ergonomics consultant or other outside experts. The field of ergonomics is dynamic, and new information is constantly being developed. 

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Epämukavat asennot
Voimankäyttöä edellyttävät liikkeet
Taakkojen manuaalinen käsittely
Työn huono organisointi
Toistuvat liikkeet / toistuva työ
Health effects
Määrittämättömät tule-sairaudet
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Kaikki (ei erityistä ryhmää)
Prevention measures
Yksilöllisten työskentelytekniikoiden parantaminen (esim. asennot manuaalisessa käsittelyssä)
Yksinkertaisia vinkkejä ja toimenpiteitä
Tekniset toimenpiteet, esim. ergonomiset laitteet
Purpose of the material
Target audience
Kaikki (ei erityistä kohdeyleisöä)