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Exploring adaptation to unusual working conditions: challenge or opportunity?

Ürituse andmed

Institutul Naţional de Cercetare - Dezvoltare pentru Protecţia Muncii ''Alexandru Darabont''


Unusual working conditions present both challenges and opportunities for occupational safety and health (OSH). An event dedicated to exploring these issues will be hosted by our Romanian focal point Institutul Naţional de Cercetare - Dezvoltare pentru Protecţia Muncii ''Alexandru Darabont.''

The topic will be illustrated with a screening of ‘Turtle Shells,’ winner of the Healthy Workplaces Film Awards 2017, followed by an in-depth, multidisciplinary debate.

The film portrays the life within a reptile rescue centre in Munich, focusing on the diverse and often unconventional backgrounds of its actors. Among them is a German soldier specialising in parasite prevention, whose journey into the world of reptile handling highlights the transition from military rigor to the nuanced care required in managing dangerous reptiles. The film also introduces a Syrian refugee who brings a piece of her homeland with her in the form of a pet turtle.

The participants, experts from diverse fields as OSH, animal and human health, researchers and public authorities, will have the chance to discuss about the emotional and professional dimensions of some unique professions, exploring how individuals cope with and adapt to drastically different working environments.

Key topics of the debate will include the major challenges faced by these individuals as they adapt to new geographical and cultural settings, potential threats to their safety and health at work and the coping mechanisms they develop. Questions such as the impact of climate conditions, dietary habits and varying safety cultures on their professional and personal adaptation processes will also be explored. Furthermore, the discussion will aim to identify potential opportunities that arise from such challenging environments, shedding light on the resilience and growth experienced by the protagonists.


  • Alina VOINEA, Dipl. MSc. Psychologist & Psychotherapist / PR consultant    


  • Ioana-Georgiana NICOLESCU, Manager of the EU OSHA Focal Point – Romania  
  • Doru Costin DARABONT, Director - General, The National Research & Development Institute of Occupational Safety ‘Alexandru Darabont’ - INCDPM, Bucharest
  • Adrian ISPĂȘOIU, President of ARSSM / The Romanian OSH Association
  • Alina VOINEA, Dipl. MSc. Psychologist & Psychotherapist
  • Irina IORDACHE, MD, veterinary physician, Royal Canin Clinics, Brașov
  • Others (TBC)