There are ways to unload certain burdens

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There are ways to unload certain burdens

Les moyens de se décharger de certains poids existent

Type of item
Case study


Provider (English)
Provider (Original)


The Girardeau company, based in Beaurepaire in Vendée, specialises in masonry and structural work. Faced with the reality of a physical job that puts the backs of professionals to a severe test, the management has implemented a prevention approach that aims to limit the carrying of loads. Limiting the carrying of loads involves supplying workers with raw materials as close as possible to their workstations

L’entreprise Girardeau, basée à Beaurepaire en Vendée, est spécialisée dans la maçonnerie et le gros œuvre. Face à la réalité d’un métier physique qui met le dos des professionnels à rude épreuve, la direction a mis en place une démarche de prévention qui vise notamment à limiter le port de charges.

La limitation des ports de charges passe par l’alimentation des compagnons en matière première au plus près de leur poste


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Other data

Manual handling of loads
Health effects
Back pain or injury
MSDs unspecified
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
All (no specific group)
Prevention measures
Improving individual working techniques (e.g manual handling postures)
Technical measures e.g. ergonomic equipment
Reducing/minimising the risk by organisational measures, e.g. reducing the number of workers exposed, job rotation
Purpose of the material
Awareness raising
Target audience
All (no specific target audience)