Gegenwärtig sind Exoskelette, also am Körper getragene Unterstützungssysteme,
die bei menschlichen Tätigkeiten mechanisch mithelfen, in der innerbetrieblichen Logistik noch wenig verbreitet.
Solche Mensch-Maschine-Kombinationen werden mit den Erwartungen verknüpft, die körperliche Leistungskraft des Menschen zu steigern oder den Menschen zumindest vor Fehlbelastungen, Überlastungen und Verschleiß zu bewahren. Der Logistikanbieter Fiege hat in einem eigenen Feldversuch bereits durchaus positive Erfahrungen mit Exoskeletten gesammelt, die auf einer Messe vorgestellt wurden.
Stay fit for longer thanks to exoskeletons?
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Stay fit for longer thanks to exoskeletons?
Länger fit dank Exoskelett?
Exoskeletons are wearable devices that can support the musculoskeletal system using various mechanical principles. With regard to work-related MSDS, they can reduce muscular stress in frequently affected body regions, such as the lower back or shoulders. Exoskeletons can support workers to reduce physical strain, for example in case of handling heavy loads or incorrect positions. However, in the logistic industry exoskeletons are not yet very common. The German logistic company Fiege started with a field test using exoskeletons and could gain useful experience. They presented their experieces at a trade fair in Germany.
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Sector / Indrustry covered
Transportation and storage
Awkward postures
Manual handling of loads
Health effects
MSDs unspecified
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
All (no specific group)
Prevention measures
Technical measures e.g. ergonomic equipment
Purpose of the material
Target audience
Safety officers
Occupational health physician