Services that are becoming more mechanised

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Services that are becoming more mechanised

Des services qui se mécanisent

Type of item
Case study


Provider (English)
Provider (Original)


The Arie de Boom Services shipyard has been involved in a continuous improvement process for about ten years.

The risks in a shipyard are numerous, due to the various trades present and the multiple work configurations: working at height, handling, chemical risk, co-activity or overlapping tasks.

As part of a continuous improvement approach, Arie de Boom Services has equipped itself with machinery to mechanise handling: cranes, multidirectional gondolas, escalators with handrails.

It also encourages its employees to be versatile.

Le chantier naval Arie de Boom Services s’implique dans une démarche d’amélioration continue depuis une dizaine d’années.

Les risques dans l’activité d’un chantier

nautique sont nombreux, du fait des divers métiers présents et des multiples configurations de travail : travail en hauteur, manutentions, risque chimique, coactivité ou superposition de tâches.

Dans le cadre d’une démarche d’amélioration continue, la société Arie de Boom Services s’est équipée d’engins pour mécaniser les manutentions: grues, nacelle multidirectionnelle, escaliers roulants avec main courante.

Elle encourage par ailleurs la polyvalence de ses salariés.

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Other data

Sector / Indrustry covered
Manufacture of other transport equipment
Manual handling of loads
Health effects
MSDs unspecified
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
All (no specific group)
Prevention measures
Worker participation
Technical measures e.g. ergonomic equipment
Reducing/minimising the risk by organisational measures, e.g. reducing the number of workers exposed, job rotation
Purpose of the material
Awareness raising
Target audience
All (no specific target audience)